Cultivating a Cozy Homeschool Culture

Hygge (hoo-gah)

  1. The art of building community
  2. To create well-being, connection, and warmth
  3. A feeling of belonging to the moment
  4. Celebrating the everyday moments


Like all good things, home education flourishes when cultivated slowly and with care. It’s in the moments of unstructured play and time spent in nature that children learn about themselves, how to think and create, how to learn, and how to socialize. But homeschooling is as much about the parents as it is the kids, as we are all growing and learning together. Banish the busy, and make time for what matters most.


Like all good things, home education flourishes when cultivated slowly and with care. It’s in the moments of unstructured play and time spent in nature that children learn about themselves, how to think and create, how to learn, and how to socialize. But homeschooling is as much about the parents as it is the kids, as we are all growing and learning together. Banish the busy, and make time for what matters most.